Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Inspiration: Gentle Perseverance

91-year-old yoga instructor, Tao Porchon-Lynch, shows a truly open and radiant heart.
She is so inspiring with her giving and sweet approach to living. (click the title for a lovely video)

And then also, Bette Calman, who found yoga in the 50's and is still inspiring and teaching people - all in her pink jumpsuit, nylons and perfectly set hair!!!
I love it!

Much Light and Love,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

L-shape pose for low back and hamstrings

Hi everyone, I just saw this video from John on facebook and thought it was related a bit to what we talked about last night. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Relevance of Tantra

Hi All,

I hope everyone is doing well! I have been spending a lot of time contemplating some of the Tantric teachings that Anusara embraces. Specifically, the practice of engaging in the world as it is, in the modern day, with all that we now know about our universe and the human experience, while acknowledging the importance of what has come before us. This approach really speaks to me because it is a living, breathing lineage that is constantly expanding, which ensures that it never becomes dogmatic. Douglas Brooks recently updated his blog with a great post that addresses how Tantra works in the world today. Check it out and enjoy!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Sprigs of Spring

Hello beautiful yogis and yoginis!
As the winter dissolves, and the springtime tempts us with its sunshine and vibrance, I hope people are finding vitality in their lives, relationships, and all other endeavors. The winter is rigid and frigid, causing us to introvert more, and expand less, for we need all the energy we can get to stay warm, to keep a fire going in our practice, and to remain involved fully throughout all areas our busy lives.
I've been observing the flowers outside in front of my house, and they have been analogous to my overall energy. As the last few weeks have passed, and the weather has begun to warm up, I cannot help but think about the incredible potential that the springtime offers. Green is popping up all over the place, and life is abundant. Even winter trees, who are hugging all of their energy and life force to their core, are full of life. But this time of the year we have no way to deny life, its luminous, and increasing as such!
On another note, I've been doing some spring cleaning...refreshing the browser, if you will. It feels good to weed out the things that are no longer of service, and to remember an intention of being generative, and to proceed in the process of being ever-new. What I've discovered is that there are things that bring up resistance in this process. They require a bit more effort to let go of, or a bit more scrubbing. In contemplation of the various attachments that have been revealed, it has been necessary for me to open to a vaster space in myself, to really remember to locate my core beliefs about what it is that I need vs. want, and to expand into a process of letting go, or accepting something in its place. In time, all things will dissolve, but in that process, it (time) will only create the foundation for evolution of something more even brilliant. There have been many things revealed to me that I prioritize too highly, or not high enough, and this spring cleaning as really allowed me to see what has been nurtured, or neglected, and has provided me with incredible insight on how to be more mindful of the areas that have not been tended to properly. Weeding the garden, so to speak. If one plans to create a healthy environment for oneself, others, plants, or animals, we must face the entire situation fully, and avoid nothing. Planting flowers amongst weeds seems "natural" as it would reveal the death and life dynamic fully, however, starting anew, cleansing fully, pulling all the weeds, and remaining mindful that the weeds will come in time, brings a wholesome new meaning to being able to have an opportunity to begin fresh, completely fresh.
Talking to a very insightful dear friend, and yogi, I began to sink into something he presented to me, that I by myself, had never brought light to before. He told me, " Unconditionally, we are always innocent." I couldn't respond, because immediately I began to feel what he meant. If in fact we are holding true to our intention to be generative, looking at the process of all things as beginningless and endless, then all we have is a single present moment, and in that, we are pure, by nature. I began to see this metaphor in almost every expression of life around me. It started to theme itself ever-so-sweetly into my meditation, and has been clearing off my perceptive lens so inevitably, things become more clarified. The thing is, many of us think it takes spring cleaning to refresh and to submerge ourselves with a natural purity, an undefended innocence, and a dignity of presence. However, we are, in each moment granted the gift of existence, which in itself is profoundly beautiful. The grace this wisdom has provided is recognizable, particularly in my practice of staying in yoga throughout each moment I have the gift of breath. In fact, each breath resembles this metaphor fully. Each time we cycle through another inhalation, exhalation, and again, and again, we begin to see how its inexhaustibly innocent, and provided to serve LIFE! This allows us to take refuge in the Grand Process itself.
So, as we bring in the new season, as we bring in new breath, may we bless all beingness with the grace of our expanding vitality.

Much love to all!
What is the meeting process these days? Is it even still happening? Fill me in if someone would be so kind, I've been jugging about seven different schedules with my clients at work, as well as trying to make time for my own, but I would love to know at least when/if we are still joined in this process!

If meetings have stopped, perhaps we could plant a garden of new seeds, and tend to the plants that are still growing.

Be Well,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

John Friend on the History and Healing Effects of Yoga

This is the video I spoke to some of you about. He is speaking at the 2009 Texas Bikram Championship. It is truly beautiful and inspiring to see how skilled he is at seeing the divine in all!:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Checking In

Greetings everyone!
It feels as though the holiday season, workshops, travel, Immersions and whatnot have shifted our attention away from our kula study, however, it is such a blessing to have such committted students amongst us, and it feels as though we are all ever-increasing the brilliance of our collaberation. I feel a new wave of inspiration dawning, and am thrilled to continue along our journey together!
Are we still meeting on Monday evening?
Should we continue with the format we have set up, or, is it necessary to expand our view since we've all probably naturally taken our practice to a new level?
Perhaps it would be good to direct our energy on coming together and distinguishing where each of us are at in our practice, recruiting an intention for our study, and exploring any challenges we are looking at.

Just wanted to touch base...whats happening, how's it going, you know.

Over and out! Be Well!

Friday, December 4, 2009

We Glow!

Hi All,

I emailed this link to you all. I thought I would put it up here to refer to... and comment on if needed. (click on name of post above)

Here's what I said in email:

"Hello Beautiful Kula,
Once again, I was listening to this great science podcast and thought of you all!
If you listen partway through: about 32:28 is the time... or begin around 30minutes into the audio. It is talking about how cells actually emit light.... and human bodies are actually glowing... radiating! Well, "duh" we might say. Yogis and Yoginis knew this thousands of years ago. It's neat to see science catch up to this sort of stuff, though.
Check it out if you have a minute. I got all excited, like I do with this nerdy stuff. :)
with Love,

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


How beautiful of a thing we have going on! I know its been mentioned before, but its something that is ever new to me. As usual, our meeting last night was special. There was a great deal of synergy between us this time, and we peeled back some new layers of consciousness as a group, which was rather exciting. Amy, and Christina, we sure missed you guys, so we held and nurtured the space. I cannot get over how remarkable this kula is, and how deeply fascinated we can all be together, for each other, by each other, and especially for the practice. Its incredible how radically progressive our awarenesses are becoming, and how sweet it is to trust that depth of this stuff is real. The most absolutely inspiring thing to me is how sensitive we are to revelation, and how immediately willing we are to participate in the dance! This just creates a reminder for me of the impeccable relationship between the whole and huge idea of the Absolute purpose, and the reason for practice, and diligence.

For the sake of our absentees, I will try to give an overview of our meeting last night. If I miss any highlights, please feel free to include them.
It may be the case that you watch the segment you missed, but I will just go over some of it so it can begin to cultivate something if you don't have time to watch it immediately. I think the foundation of the entire segment of the video is what we pulled our inspiration for Asana practice from, so I will mostly just go over that, since the video is available to watch, and for the sake of redundancy.

First we shared the Peace Invocation for Study, which is always a beautiful experience, then we watched the 2nd DVD, which was founded on the idea that in order for an effective practice or teaching to occur, the philosophical vision of our practice needs to be grounded, and that no matter what we should be willing to believe that people are beautiful, even if this creates criticism of you as a teacher. He emphasised rooting yourself in the ground of being, and speaking from a place of heart, so that the essence of Yoga is not saccrificed, and so the essence of YOU is not saccrificed! John went on to talk about the vision of Tantra (fundamentally everything is supreme consciousness, the intrinsic good and benevolence in all, engagement in that which is life enhancing/ affirming) and began to describe mays in which we can find ourselves living and viewing the world from within this perspective. He then went into unfolding the Invocation and proceeded to expand into the ultimately free nature of the Absolute, and the unbounded creative power of Shakti. Why does the Universal choose to veil itself? Why do we experience dualistic perception? This is about when he began to enlighten us with the idea of the power of contrast. We can deepen awareness through comparison, and when we do experience the Absolute nature of something, our spirit feels unbounded joy and freedom! Kind of like the journey into the source that we explored during the immersion. Once we touch, we are overjoyed, and we have something to remember as we keep taking the steps to hopefully touch back in.
We have all experienced revelation, over and over it seems, and the sweetness keeps us coming back. We wonder how it was possible to have been living before we understand something more profoundly. We wonder why we just didn't get it like that before. For example, in Vasisthasana with one leg in Vrkasana,pressing upwards into your foot with the inner thigh of the straight leg, completely transformed my stability and freedom in this pose. The smallest cue, the right word, and simply the reflection of our willingness to be open to Lila can slingshot us further than we ever thought possible. Something has been revealed, and boy it feels sooo good. I think reorganization is something that has to happen time and time and time again, we will never be fully energetically and absolutely organized forever, but maybe for a moment we will, just until the Universal shines through once again and reminds us of its infinite beauty and potential.

We talked for a while on injuries, and how important it is to stay true to the practice and the principles during times when we feel like our body is being inadequate. Our edge is something we sensitively honor, not rigidly expect, and having an injury can create a unique understanding of how we might not have been balanced in our actions. Whether we acquire the injury during asana, or if it is initiated otherwise and we just keep flaring it up in asana, our bodies will reveal a lot about our Yoga.

This brings us to the theme we set for the next asana practice, which is sharing which qualities of Heart have been revealed to us in our practice, and sharing our articulate understanding of the shortcuts that have been shared with us, that have rocked our world's, and our bodies. So basically, come prepared to share your revelations and shortcuts, and hopefully have a few more! John says, "We use each other as a mirror to remember, feel, and hear our own beauty."

You all are absolutely beautiful, deep gratitude and blessings are overflowing. What a good reason to celebrate life!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Christina Sell on "Being the Change"

This is an amazing teaching Christina shares on her blog today. In fact, in the last week her blog has been chock full of profound insights on the yogic path. Click on the post title above to check it out... enjoy!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Living Tantra | (Part 1)

Living Tantra | (Part 1)

I found this article very interesting.

Check it out if you have the inclination.
(click on name of article above)

Onward and Upward!


Monday, November 16, 2009

11/15 Sunday Practice Sequence

Thanks Tamara for getting those notes up so quickly!

Here is the sequence of poses we did as best I remember:

Free-form Warm-up (Surya Namaskar)


Virabhadrasana I w/ arms in cactus

Trikonasana - into slight backbend if wanted

Virabhadrasana II



Anjanyasana w/ backleg bent toward buttocks, opposite hand reaches behind to hold foot. Then add twist toward front knee.

Lunge w/ torso extended low between legs (or, beside front leg)

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I Prep

Fire Log

Standing Baby-Cradle+ Eka Pada Utkatasana - (lifted leg over standing leg thigh)


Salabhasana (your choice of legs elevated or torso elevated)


Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana

Urdhva Dhanurasana

Eka Pada Dhanurasana - opposite arm and leg

Pincha Mayurasana -- single and with Partners

Upavistha Konasana

Parsva Upavistha Konasana


Supta Padangusthasana - leg vertical / out to side / and leg across body

Windshield Wipers

Baddha Konasana


*** Tim, if you feel the urge to post it would be great to hear more from you about the muscle engagement we were working with in Pincha Mayurasana. Annie had some great diagrams of the muscle groups at work when fully engaged.

11/15 Sunday Practice

Shyla wisely requested a summary of our Sunday group practice for the benefit of those who could not make it, so here is a brief overview. Our practice was amazing, as usual! We worked mindfully toward Pincha Mayurasana. Our sequence flowed really well I thought... probably because we were all pondering the apex pose over the course of the last couple of weeks and coming up with preparatory poses in advance. I really think that we are getting very skilled in the round robin format! I believe that Brittany wrote down our sequence as we went along, so maybe she could put that up on the blog? Our UPA of focus was Muscular Energy with attention paid to Shoulder Loop. We did some great standing poses, hip openers and backbends. When it was time to work on Pincha Mayurasana, Annie shared with us a GREAT assist for 2-3 partners working on the pose together.... once the person going into the pose has set their foundation, one or two partners place a foot on each of their wrists, putting more pressure on the inside of the wrist. I found this assist to be incredibly supportive and I can't wait to have the opportunity to work with it again... thank you Annie! Later on, Tim shared some wonderful tips he learned from Karen on Shoulder Loop and the engagement of all the muscles around the shoulder blades... which brought up some great conversation and peaked everyone's interest in learning more about the anatomy of the shoulders and how we can better engage that part of the body in poses that require an integrated melting of the heart (every pose?). There is such incredible value in our meetings and once again, I am reminded of how very fortunate we are to have this kula. Many thanks to you all for your commitment and studentship... it is endlessly inspiring!



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Muscular Energy- One Another as the Banks of this River called Kula

Greetings All,

Things have been a-brewing since our discussion Monday night. It was quite vibrant and I am so thankful for the offerings of revelation that Amy and Shyla brought to share with the kula. It reminded me of Prasad (sweet offering), and how we are turning ourselves into this sweet offering to the divine through the transformational power of Yoga.

I wanted to share with you all some things that have come out of that discussion and my work in practice since. I was a little awash in all the multitude of gems that came from the discussion Monday night. Then I realized that our striving for structure was like Muscular Energy trying to manifest within the group. Deciding upon our course of study is like setting the container in which the expansion may occur-- just like Asana: First we Opened to Grace / Set a Strong Foundation. Then we are feeling this pull to put some parameters, hug into this expansion, maintain the riverbanks.

So, I would like to propose Muscular Energy as a theme for our practice on the upcoming asana study. Of course this will go along with Organic Energy for balance and the other three UPA's. I have noticed some things in my practice, though. Working with Pincha Mayurasana, I have been feeling this great coming-together of all the Principles in sequence. Taking the time to open first has been a great catalyst for each of the Principles of Alignment to initiate into the next. It's like the River knows where it wants to go, I just have to find the headwaters. I have also noticed that, after this opening and then anchoring the foundation, the themes from the workshop with John Friend are welling up to the surface. Specifically, Melting the Heart is really at the forefront when working with going up into Pincha Mayurasana. This Melting the Heart, in conjunction with the established openness, has allowed me to gather my shoulder blades in to support my core much more than ever before (I deal with a flat thoracic vertebrae - so this is BIG). So, I went back to study the Immersion Manual a bit. Guess What! Page 37, under "General Principles for Classes of Poses" I found Inversions and Hand-Balances. They list, *Establish Good Foundation, Melt the Heart, Muscular Energy, Shoulder Loop, and Hugging the Midline to be among the key alignment focuses! So, I am suggesting that Muscular Energy, and specifically Melting the Heart (a form of passive muscular energy), be a major focus of our work next week. Input please! Yes? No?

If this does sound like a good plan, I would suggest that we all look over page 37 and then page 28 (re: muscular energy) of the Immersion Manual. This way, we can all feel a little more "accountable" for our work we are doing together. I know some of us expressed confusion about what we should do in the time between meeting. This way, we can have a jumping off point.

I will email this post out to everyone for some input. Please be open and generative with your responses. I truly want to know what you think. Have you been working along the same lines? Is this stirring up juicy tidbits of insight for you? Are you onto some completely different "scent" of this slippery trail of Yoga?


Friday, November 6, 2009

Darren Rhodes on Concealment and Revelation

A few disconnected thoughts...

Thank you, Amy, for the ideas and for offering to share Douglas' lecture with us. I am very interested in listening to it. I was able to download part of one of his lectures from and it was amazing! One of those inspiring, entertaining AND educational teachings that I could listen to again and again and get more out of it every time.

I would love to get together with anyone who is interested at or after the Saturday morning West-Y class. Jenny Lewis teaches a fast-paced vinyasa-style class with some Anusara undertones. She is a big fan of Anusara and has many years of workshop study with John Friend, Amy Ippoliti and Sianna Sherman. If we wanted to meet afterwards, there are a couple of Starbucks nearby, or there is Rembrandt's in Eagle.

I wanted to mention a couple of upcoming events... I am so excited to attend Kendra's class at Muse this coming Tuesday. Leraine, the musician who will be performing during the class is absolutely inspired and I will never forget my experience in Savasana while she played the didgeridoo in Park City. On another note, I am committed to attending Christina Sell's workshop in Driggs on February 26-28, in case anyone is interested in making a trip of it. Also, I have already applied for John's workshop in Park City on August 28-29 (I just couldn't help myself!) and I know that Crystal at the West-Y is already working to get a BIG group together to go. Interestingly, John is teaching a Level III Immersion in Park City the week before the workshop. I doubt that I will be able to swing that, but maybe some of you would be able to... it would be amazing for sure!!

I was thinking about our next group practice coming up on November 15 (which reminds me, this is the same weekend as Amy Ippoliti's workshop). Anyway, should we post which poses we each have in mind in preparation for our foray into Pincha Mayurasana/Scorpion? Or should we just arrive to the practice and see what ensues?

My apologies for the rambling nature of this post... so many things on my mind!!



Wednesday, November 4, 2009

more More MORE!

Dear Kula!
I'm still feeling the shakti resonating from our last meeting and the excitment of the last weekends adventure is still bubbling up with new discoveries and a deeper respect for our study and our practice! A few of us had talked about meeting more. I though I would throw out an idea and see what you all think. Tamara attends the Saturday morning class at the west YMCA at 8:30 I believe. Maybe an idea would be to meet for class (I have plenty of guest passes if you don't have a membership) and or after class. The last few days I've been really focusing energy on the seeds of practice, studentship, and growth. Like Annie so poetically said after our last immersion, a single seed can still grow up from a rock. Well my lovely Kula, we are the rock! Next gathering I will also come bearing a gift that I thought might help inspire more tantra based conversation. Douglas Brooks Clothed in Consciousness lecture. it's 4 discs of about an hour each. They are thick with philosophy and may be a great spring board for discussion. *this may also help in pulling together more structure. Let me know thoughts on this as well, even if we don't necessarily want to incorporate this into our study the lecture is absolutely fantastic.
LOVE LIGHT LOVE! Shanti Shanti Shanti!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hello Dear Kula,
I feel like I have been transformed again and I am so grateful to all of you and to the practice. As you may know the past year and a half have been a "different" time for my yoga practice. Shoulder and knee problems have certainly changed my asana practice. I have been studying so much since the beginning of the Immersion but my practice has been so difficult. Part of the issue I realize has been the decrease in my muscle strength, the consequence of less activity with my injuries. What a cycle. I have been lifting weights lately due to the advise of my physical therapist. But the extra study with John Friend has really had an amazing affect as all of you know who have recently been studying with him. I have the series of 4 hour and a half DVD's of John's besides what we have watched in his teacher training DVD's. Anyway.........this morning it all came together again. My shoulders are in place again. I EASILY did Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Sirsasana, Urdva Dhanurasana, Ustrasana and I even balanced in Vasisthasana. You have all inspired my with your amazing practices, always working at your edge. I think I would have just given up on these basic heart opening poses without your continued inspiration.
I'm really looking foward to seeing you Monday!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Cup Runith Over

Happy Thursday Beautiful Kula,

I was just finishing up posting my website today and it dawned on my that as I was writing how absolutely grateful I am for the practice. It seems this way and more so each day I study and practice. Our open to grace discussion has been the spring board for all my practices and my classes this week. I have found how truly expansive and sweet this concept is and can be in the practice as well as in my life. When I allow myself an extra second to open to grace before opening my mouth, (which I must admit sometimes gets in the way) or before a practice, pose, even shavasana, it seems as though the gratitude nearly bubbles over.

I can't thank you all enough for helping me through a very rough time in my life. Even though I didn't share what happened until recently I can honestly say that I would not have made it through as I did without the practice and kula. I realize now more than ever that if you are thirsty the river will come...and it has like a HUGE wave!

On this note I will let you know how excited I am to see you all the Monday after next after my workshop and time in New Orleans with Aaron and John Friend! I will be thinking of you all and dedicating my practice to our beautiful kula, our study, and our practice together!!

YES YES YES!! Shanti!
With love and gratitude!

Oh and ps:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Feeling Loopy

Just wondering how everyone is doing, and what kinds of stimulating experience we are all having as we go deeper and expand wider...What are we working on, what are we discovering, and how is this all fitting together?

Personally, these past couple weeks I have been playing with the loops, they add a HUGE but positively dynamic complexity for me! My body is experiencing an awakening as I hug in on the idea of trying to gain a better understanding for the loop layer of body consciousness. Extreme receptivity has been absolutely necessary for me to maintain in order to keep the awareness in a state of development, because once I try to formulate some limited intellectualization of the loops, I lose the experience of the grand purpose of the loops altogether. Intellectually, the biomechanics are seeming to make sense. The alignment is following the optimal anatomical positioning that our bodies are designed to employ right? Yes, but I have to laugh because it never stops there. Physical is only one of the pillars of something I like to think of as an Empire of Consciousness. That's just the metaphor it seems. I realize that without establishing a foundation, these energetic dynamics have nowhere to initiate from. Without a fundamental experience of foundation, its kind of like trying to run with no feet, or swim with no arms...(which may be possible through extreme compensation but certainly not full of shakti.) The leg loops are my project for the near future, as it seems I have very a subtle sense of them really. But I've been experiencing a vast and progressive movement of something, probably just Ms. Shakti again, as I set my foundation with inner and outer spiral, then initiate kidney loop...draw up through the side ribs and lift the heart up then the head back with shoulder loop...and keep it moving through skull loop. I feel a really neat activation of the location of each focal point as I draw up the spine and create a spaciousness for the loops like this. Giving the prana a direction to flow seems to heighten my awareness that it is flowing intensely in the first place!

Another thing I found extremely resonating from the video particularly, was John's emphasis on learning that " Our foundation is a reflection of our intention." Whoa. Haha looking deeply and with curiosity at that, I notice that it gets a little sloppy sometimes, and the little yogi voice in my head keeps pestering me to notice, enhance...notice, remember, enhance...notice, reinforce, find another opening, enhance.Then I find myself asking, "What do I really need to align with here?" and "How could an amplification of my highest intention be brought forth?" I find this even in walking, in mountain biking, while standing, during conversation, or just my life in general. I guess you could say this little yogi-voice is just serving as my intention coach, who diagnoses me with recognition, and prescribes me principle. Basically, he/she has a really hard time shutting up, however I must bow to that voice since its intrinsic value is extremely noteworthy because as I begin to listen more carefully, the voice becomes like an overtone that is not so redirecting, but aggrandizing rather, and is an affirmation of why existence is so perfect. I find myself less annoyed, and more empowered by these reminders. Since our reflection of the Universe manifests physically, our asana, and our movement and our stillness serves as an incredible tool of remembrance. To have clarity of intention is what I always find myself reverting to in order to emerge into something greater, and until I no longer need my little friend coaching me back to that remembrance, reiterating the point over and over in ways that always change, and standing up to my ego's various personalities with little combating mudras (maybe the Ganesha mudra Arron Lind brought to our little Kula, thanks Aaron for sharing, and thanks Amy for remembering and re-sharing!) The journey is only reflecting the evolution of the Absolute it seems. Learning the steps in order to dance gracefully with my higher-self is fun if I allow curiosity rather than confusion to be my motivating force. Certainly, becoming more distinguished in the spectrum of life makes it easier to blend...which brings me to the realization of the radiating beauty, the deep goodness, and the illuminating truth of Balanced Action...which is a whole 'nother thing for a whole 'nother day.

Namaste all.
I hope everyone is experiencing enrichment to the fullest, its kind of mind- blowing...all this stuff.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Musing over Meeting

Hello all,

I am putting the call out there:

What shall we practice for our upcoming Asana Gathering?

We briefly discussed going over some of the subjects covered in the first 1+ hour of the DVD - Open to Grace / Set a Strong Foundation. And, then taking this foundation work into specific poses and really working it.

Do we need a discussion of more specifics for the study? Shall we show up with our ideas and see what accumulates?

*** From our study session, I have been working on an even grounding of all four corners of the feet and then an even lifting of all the arches (the outer arch of the foot specifically since this is sometimes lacking for me). I have been feeling a strong "river-banking" of my outer shin from this work. Very noticeable as I have been sore a bit from the work.

Good hunting!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Kitcheri Recipe

Hi Everyone,

I've been really having fun with some Kitcheri Recipes..... the rice and mung bean dish we all discussed with Karen. This is a nice recipe I found on the website we used for finding our Dosha's.

I love this dish. Eating it makes me feel really even, full and no big ups or downs in blood sugar or mood. - Food has a big effect on me in those ways.

In the past, I have used whole green mung beans from the Co-Op. I recently found the split yellow mung beans at a world food market. I do not remember the name. But, it is located on Orchard, near to Emerald Street.

-Happy Cooking-


Saturday, October 3, 2009


I just wanted to share a few things. First, a big THANK YOU again to Shyla for getting this blog going and for coming up with the wonderful idea to create a space where we can all share and nurture the growth of the kula! To continue Shyla's metaphor, I also feel warm and toasty thanks to the little Boise kula campfire that we built together. Everyone played such a vital role and I am truly grateful for all of you.
Here are a few blogs, etc. that I wanted to share. Many of you are probably familiar with these already. I find them to be excellent resources for my ongoing study of Anusara and Tantric philosophy.... kindling for the fire. And just for fun, I've included a link to the video filmed during the making of the Anusara Syllabus poster. Enjoy! See you all very soon!
Karen's Blog
John Friend's Blog
Douglas Brooks' Blog
Christina Sell's Blog
Making of the Anusara Syllabus Poster Video

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


As the energy from the Immersion lingers, I am inclined to, once again, thank everyone who fueled the fire, because its certainly contained yet absolutely burning hot! What better way to be connected to people than through such a profoundly beautiful practice/path as this Yoga...and especially Anusara. The boundlessness of our potential can not even be put into words, however, I think and believe we can all feel it not only in our coming together, but also in our individuated expressions of the brilliant Shakti vibes! I have set a very high intention for this blogy thing, I'm sure the page will organize itself over time as we all get the hang of it, and gain a feel for its ability to enhance our kula. Hopefully everyone is having a beautiful week, it feels like Fall is really begining to set in and this season feels so apropriate for the work we recently involved ourselves in too! Looking forward to sharing again on Monday for our meeting, and until then I'll be sending warmth to keep your hearts and toes feeling nice :)
Miss Shyla Ray